kirstiejo 5th March 2021

It still doesn’t feel real, I’m not sure it ever will, but you have gone and we all feel it so much. I miss calling you and listening to your run down of everything that happened that day or week. Sometimes more than once 😊 I miss visiting you with Jonny and how much you ran rings around him. He tried his hardest but could never out-banter you. Covid restrictions took away our visits for a whole year, I never thought that I would never get to visit you again. That makes me sad. You have been such a huge part of my life, of our lives, of so many peoples lives. You will be missed more than you will ever know - mostly because you didn’t like slushy-ness so wouldn’t let us tell you how loved you were ❤️ I love you Nanna❤️ Love Kirstie xxx